Thursday, 22 October 2009


Our respect goes out to our volunteer Jinx who fashioned this wonderful table as a gesture of support to Margaret McKenzie (both pictured)who in September lost her son Ian in tragic circumstances. Ian was due to start on our course at Galgael and was the nephew of one of our most valued volunteers, Rosie McHarg but unfotunately it was not to be.
Also pictured is David Henry who created this wonderful carving in memory of his dear Mum Janet who passed away this May. We wish David and his family our sympathy and would like to say well done to him for all the effort he put into this lovely piece of work.

Well done!

Congratulations to David McColvin, Carol Anne Leitch, Dougie Munro and Billy Taylor on recieving their tool kits after completing our Navigate Life course. They have been a great group to work with we hope they enjoyed the GalGael expeience. All four are still working on personal projects including furniture, carvings and historic weaponry.